Time commitment
2 - 5 minutes
This handout will provide you with three principles, the "ABCs," for answering difficult questions from your audience in an academic presentation.

No matter what your experience level might be, the three principles below can provide a helpful guide for answering questions from your audience. Put them together to form a response: A + B + C
A: Acknowledge the question
- Paraphrase the question
- Say something like “that’s a great question!” or “...interesting question”
- Ask the audience member to clarify their question if needed
B: Be honest
- If you don’t know, that’s ok, don’t pretend you do
C: Contribute something based on your knowledge
Provide an answer that acknowledges what you do know and make an educated guess if needed
Offer to look up the answer or explore areas for further research with the audience member afterwards
If appropriate (e.g., if you are facilitating an activity or in a TA role), ask the audience what they think
Some Example Prompts
“That’s a great question! I’m not sure about the answer because it was beyond the scope of our project but if I had to speculate based on our research, I’d say …”
“Are you asking about …? That’s a really interesting point! Can we chat after the presentation, as I think this could be something interesting to explore?”
“Great question! Before I answer, what do people in the audience think (then provide a summary with your opinion added)?”
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