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Teaching Assistants (TAs) have a number of responsibilities. Learn about what they do and how they can help you.

Teaching Assistants (TAs) have a number of responsibilities. Not all TAs will take on the same roles, so check your course outline to find out how your TA can best help you succeed. If you're not sure which role your TA fills - ask! Reminder: TAs are students too! Be sure to give them lots of notice before you need assistance.
- The lab instructor: If your TA is your lab instructor they may provide you with instructions and information, the opportunity to ask questions, and monitor lab progress.
- The seminar leader: If your TA runs your seminar time they may introduce new content and provide an opportunity to ask questions in a smaller class setting.
- The Marker: If your TA grades your work, they may: Assist the marking of assignments and tests, Have office hours (check your course outline), Can give feedback or may only provide a grade
- The content expert: If your TA is available to respond to your questions They are a great resource for helping you understand course material, Visit them during their office hours, send them a quick email, or talk to them after class
- The lecture assistant: Other ways TAs support your learning is that they teach, distribute course materials, attend and contribute to lectures and help instructors in any way needed
- The invigilator: Even wonder who the people wandering around during exams are? They're invigilators! What's invigilating? It's the act of monitoring students during exams for questions, bathroom breaks and to spot cheating.
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