Time commitment
5 - 10 minutes
Use these templates to help build a thesis statement.

Template 1: Use when you’re given a specific assignment question
Example assignment question: In your view, what is the best way for municipal governments to promote pro-environment behaviours--providing incentives for “good” behaviours or instituting fines for “poor” behaviours? Why?
Step 1: Topic What is the assignment about? Example topic: The role of municipal governments in promoting pro-environment behaviours.
Step 2: Question What is the question you are supposed to answer? (is there more than one?) Example question: Which is better for promoting pro-environment behaviours incentives or fines? AND Why?
Step 3: Answer (Thesis) Answer your question to form your thesis statement. Example thesis statement: Municipal governments can best promote pro-environment behaviours by providing incentives such as tax deductions and rebates; these positive approaches appeal to the public and make them feel good about helping the environment.
Try it yourself: Topic: Question: Answer
Template 2: Use when you’re given an assignment but not a specific question (you’re going to make up the question)
Step 1: Topic What area or issue are you interested in? Example topic: Laptop use for studying in university
Step 2: Problem Within your topic, where is there controversy or uncertainty? What bothers you or seems strange? Example problem: It’s unclear whether using laptops helps or hinders academic success in university.
Step 3: Question What is a question you might ask about that problem? Example question: Are laptops a useful study tool?
Step 4: Answer (Thesis) Answer your question to form your thesis statement. Example answer: Although laptops may appear to be a useful study tool, the risks of using laptops for studying actually outweigh the benefits.
Try it yourself: Topic: Problem: Question: Answer
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